Your Spirit Within



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Faith-Believe-Receive – Give Thanks

I write about my life and journey


hours of meditation and seeking truth.

So much knowledge in the world today, it can be overwhelming, but know this, we always seek truth and obtained more knowledge by praying and educating self. We must always be wise in all things, people, places and in all that concerns us individually in our life. Know truth, be wise and be free.

Your Journey

Listen, each one of us has our own journey in life, and guest what? It is all different from one another, you must choose wisely and educate yourself about everything that concerns you and, make wise decision. Your journey is for you only and, no one can take this journey for you.

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Make Sense

If it does not fit, know this, it won’t work. Faith without works brings nothing, faith with works brings results. It has to make sense, even the impossible is made possible with education. Know truth. What make sense to you? Seek truth and be free. Life is good. Are you living or existing?

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Renew Your mind in a positive way and see change. Take time for self; Four hours for daily task and, six hours time with families and, six hours time for self and, eight hours time for sleep. Life should be simple. We should always enjoy each day with peace, it is possible. You can do this. Stay Focus.

Read More → New Message Every Tuesday.

Your Spirit Within

Your thoughts, your words and, your spirit create changes. It is always mind over the matter. Think about this, before you manifested your desire heart or performed your daily task, you thought about it, you spoke it, and it created results and now you see change. Always be wise when speaking.

Read More → New Message Every Tuesday.

Shopping Delight

Have you ever said, “I’ll come back tomorrow to get this item,” and the next day you came back and it was gone, that happened to me, and guest what? I learned buy it now. “smile” Thank you for shopping at Harriet GJ’ Store.

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Weekly Quotes

Nothing remains the same, all things must change for the better. Keep your faith, do not give up, keep moving forward and know this, there is a time for everything. Time for change. It starts with self.

Be Wise→ New Quote Every Tuesday.

Weekly Verse

Ecclesiastes 3:3 – To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; He hath made everything beautiful in His time; also, He hath set the world in their heart, Change is good. Are you ready to grow?

Seek Truth →New Verse Every Tuesday.


Matthew 18:20-Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them, whatever you ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. Mark 11:24 and Psalms 37:4 it is done.

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  • Address: P.O. Box 315, Lacombe, La., 70445
  • Text-Voice – 985.306.9748
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